I visited akshardham many times mostly by my family. my family lose to go to akshardham and spent time out there.i love this place.Akshardham is real thing of beauty. one can get his/her piece of mind . I almost go akshardham in 4-5 months regular . the temple is 100 acres vast the temple has a big hall of different kind of informations on our historic india.
A collection of stautes of Indian freedom fighters and some great peoples of india is on the backside of akshardham. Which seems to be so awesome. Akshardham temple ismainly known for its big super dome like structure in which many statues of hindu god and godess present. and many statues of indian mythological series built on the walls of temple which seems so beautiful and a canal is flow all over the temple which enhances the beauty of akshardham. authority of akshardham organises light show every evening which is the mst beautiful part of it. hope you like my review thankyou