Akshay Kumar is a person who has no god father in Bollywood industry however he is amongst top most actors in the country. He has seen all the sorrows and misery in the life. His struggle with his carrier gives us strength to fight against all odds and to keep focus on the desired goal. He is very active socially, as he is always ready to support the families of the Indian soldiers who martyr their lives for nation. He also came with an idea of a website wherein all of us can help soldiers families simply by donating some part of our incomes. As we all see actors are always busy in promoting their movies and doing numerous events just for the sake of money however he is the person who always comes forward whenever there is any mishappening in the nation or any casualties on the border. From his busy schedule he spares time to meet the families of the soldiers and offer best possible help to them. As a person we should learn from him and have to create urge to do something for our nation.
Awesome Man! I Salute! Jai hind