There are very few films that take a simple storyline & deliver better than good performances but Alag breaks the rules. Akshay Kapoor gives a wonderful performance worthy of honorable mention. With an excellent theme Alag , excels on a grand scale where other lower budget movies have failed.
Alag is not just an ordinary film, it is ambitious.Its intention is to show the spectator that there are some people who differ from the norm. The norm sees it and tries to influence these people because they are afraid of them.
Very few quirks in editing & subtle nuances did not hurt this film enough to let its message shine.
The story is really extraordinary! The film describes how a guy called Teja[AK] leaves his home for the first time of his life with the age about 20. Up to that moment he has only been in his room and has read books.. He lived with his father but when he died the police encountered him and he was taken to high-school.At high-school he is not accepted by his mates, first because of his strange appearance and second because of his behavior. He does not talk and does not try to get into contact with anybody. When he has physics class, his physics teacher teaches the function of electricity and suddenly he is attacked by a stream of electricity without any reason.But Teja has no injures.His teacher finds out that he is a genius, highly intelligent .....
It is rare that I see a movie as unpredictable as Alag. I am not a man who is easily impressed with special affects, but in this movie the affects always served a purpose instead of covering up the fact that there was no purpose. In an age where movies have become multiple scenes of graphic violence and corny excuses for stories, Alag is refreshing, filled with the meaning of humanity, and moved me to tears throughout the entire film.
With Alag I could never quite tell what was going to happen next, and the ending was something I would have never imagined would happen and could only be described as extraordinary. There are so many elements to this movie: The paranormal; the challenge to everything we think we know about science and the capabilities of the human mind; the human capacity for cruelty; love and forgiveness. Most of all, the raw emotion of this movie reaches deep into the heart and leaves an impression that stays with you.
Akshay Kapoor gives a wonderful and gut-wrenching performance he makes you feel his sense of isolation and his yearning for human connection. I think that the majority of the performances were nice but his (and Diyas) really stick out in my mind. I also really enjoyed a lot of the dialogue and I believe that as a whole it is a movie that makes you think.
Alag will warm your heart & produce a few tears for those who love a different kind of feel-good film. Akshays performance is unforgettable & vaults him above his peers as an actor. Grab your snack, drink, & box of Kleenex for this one. Enjoy!