This is the cheapest Android Smartwatch in the market.Dont get fooled by its price, it serves every purpose of a smartwatch. It looks cool Built quality is good and it is water resistant too.
Setting up is very easy. It tracks heart rate and steps 24*7 and feeds them to your device. It is very useful I dont even take out my phone for a glance, just go to my smartwatch and check my notifications or messages, saves time.
Battery backup is better than moto 360 the strap also acts as a charger as it has usb port built in it. Display is not the best but at this price point it is not bad at all.
In my opinion, Smart watches are in developing phase and no one really need one its just a accessory for your phone.In couple of years smartwatches may be able to do more.Dont buy it if you dont really need it.