Shear negligence and patient trauma along with trauma for attendents we faced during our procedure in your hospital with mrd number 270109 sandeep Kalra. Kindly note step by step details.
Patient got admitted for RIRS procedure and dj stunt on 6th August and procedure was performed on account of stone in right kidney.
Subsequent follow up and CT scan was done on 20th August.
3.patient was readmitted on 26th for dj stunt removal and in between on 20th Dr lovekesh and Dr Neeraj had conversation with us that kidney is clear and stunt is to be removed along with 2mm stone at rear end of stunt.
Discharge summary was prepared and before discharge when we personally checked the CT scan report it showed two stones and cyst. The attendent / sister of patient explained this to Dr Neeraj to which he was ignoramus. How come a surgeon without checking CT report declares that kidney is clear and stunt is to be removed and Rirs is already done and relook of RIRS is also done.
While pointing this negligence and asking a solution patient which was on discharge was kept on hospital on pretext of fever etc and doctor ensured that he will manage things and find solution.
On 27th patient was again taken to OT and written approval were again asked for RIRS again. Again attendent were told that another stunt is added and it will be removed after 3 wks.
Kindly let me know is it justified to take patient four times in OT for such negligence .
The story doesnt end here . After coming out when we again went for CT scan from some other hospital, It showed two stones one of 5.5 mm in kidney and other in ureter.
see the the results two procedures occured two times stunt added patient suffered for 60 days and situation of stone is same. hospital managed money .
still the sugeon Neeraj kohli is justifying his act. After two RIRS we found such stone because they claim RIRS and only do URS or just add stunt and are commercial in their act to generate revenue from TPA/insurance . Medico negligent criminals are surviving at ALCHEMIST. Please never ever go to such commercialized hub. They must be discarded from insurance panel and actions must be taken against such hospitals.