Today I want to review regarding Today I want to share my experience regarding these scammer.I had ordered a dog bag for my pet from this website on 3/3/2017.I made my aishwaryasingh23ment through icici internet banking. My order number Number is AL64826594710u34. There is confirmation message show in screen you will receive your product within week.But when it is not delivered in my registered address I contact their hotline number which is+912242335233 and when it connects recorded voice system machine said please wait we will connect your call to our customer executive and after waiting for 3minutes my call automatically disconnect.I dont know whats kind of customer service they are provide.Some how one day I connect their executive via customer care number I am telling that I am not receiving my order it will be 15 day now they take my order number and track my dispatch status and tell me please wait sir it will reaching you soon as soon possible . I am asking how many more days it will take to come my address they said sorry sir we have not confirmation please wait.I again contact them they replied me with same response please wait it will be in process.It is very frustrating to get a same kind of response.I received my product after 2 month. As it arrived with broken zip and inner lining split extremely poor quality I straight contact to, opened my dispute as they said we will refund your amount till there is no amount Cred824ited to my account. I am sending lot of email to their mail id they stopping my email response till there is 2 month as I cancelled my order but they close my dispute and my amount is not refund up to my account. So these people making people fool just by selling roadside mall.I dont know how they exist in the world.I am reading a lots of bad review of different people of different countries.These fraudster must be put on jail.Dont purchase anything from these website stay away from these scammer.