When you walk down church street you will pass by Tiaka and then as you go a little more a ahead you will hit this place call Alibi. The pub is situated in a small hotel. The hotel on the whole is good if you are planning to stay over there in the room. If you just want to hit the pub then it will depend on the kind of person you are and with whom you are going.
When I went to Alibi I was alone. I was passing by and I just wanted to have a drink and get home and relax. When I entered the place it looked like a normal average drinking place. You will only find guys most of the time. There are few girls in the pub so taking a female company along with you may be a little uncomfortable.
The DJ in there plays a lot of Hinid Music. Most of them is Remix. The way its played its not like pro DJ. The sound quality in the pub is just okie. Its loud thats it nothing else. The waiters there are average in their service. Just like the other small pubs in the city.
When I came in I did not find a table. All tables were full with bunch of guys drunk and some talking loud. I sat by the Bar table and asked for the menu. The cost of the drinks is the normal cost as in other pubs . A mug of beer will be like anywhere between 30 and 45 ruppees.The service is slow. You ask for the beer and they take their own sweet time to serve it.
On the other side, if you are looking to be all by yaself and want to just have some drinks away from the crowd Alibi will be a ok place. You can sit there without being disturbed and have a drink, think what you want to think about and then walk away. A good stop and go place.