As the booking and issuance of my tickets was taken care of by the travel agent, Im refraining from any feedback on this topic. I shall limit my comments to their Check In Counter Staff & Flight Attendants. This is based on my experience across 3 airports and 4 Flights.
On Check In Counter Staff :Was consistently satisfying and pleasant. I dealt with them for information, boarding pass and baggage check-in. Barring the one airport in India where at least one Check In Counter Attendant spoke English, communication was a challenge in the other 2 places. They barely could speak English and conversing with them was virtually limited to gestures and monosyllables. Despite this limitation, I found them to be quite warm, friendly, professional and helpful.
This is especially important when one is a stranger in a new country and has not had the experience of traveling abroad much. On Flight Attendants :Contrary to the above, experience with the Flight Attendants on all the 4 flights was unpleasant. They were consistently indifferent, rude, curt & irritated. They were always in a mighty hurry to complete the service and settle down in the galley with their newspapers or magazines or just make themselves comfortable and go off to sleep.
I saw several instances with my co-passengers when there was no response despite repeatedly pressing the call button for the flight attendants. On many a occasion, the passengers had to walk down to the galley to get themselves water. When an attendant walked past, a polite "excuse me" to draw their attention would fall to deaf ears. It was obvious that they heard the call but just chose to ignore. Their body language would encourage one to completely avoiding any conversation with them until absolutely unavoidable.