Hey....i was just going through the reviews of the Chartered Accountancy proffession by some people and was pretty much grieved to see that they dont give it the regard and recognition it deserves. For all you science and arts grads out there who dont really know what it is but have seen many forwarded jokes of CA (being inducted as Complete Aaram), this is a one-off reminder that its anything but Complete Aaram.
Well anyways.....CA....It basically consists of 3 stages, PE-I, PE-II and guess what??
nopes sorry, its not the obvious, but rather its called FINAL......know why?? coz thats just what it is. The Final Test. Anyways....so lets do a little statistics which incidentally is a subject in PE-I. The pass ratio for the PE-I stage is on an average 18%. So for every 100 students appearing for PE-I, about 18 are going to pass. Same way, the pass ratio for PE-II is a hair-tearing 6%. Damn....and I just cleared it....Im proud of myself....everybody gimme a pat on my back. Cash gifts are welcome too btw.
Commin back, the Final as we know it has a pass ratio of a measely 1%. Make that 2 % if the CA Institute people have got a hike in their salary that year. Anyways....with that ratio, the probability of your being in the other 99 is much higher as its a fight to the top. Moreover CA exams are not about how good your paper was, but like CAT its how your exam fared in comparision with the others. So basically if your friend comes out and says damn....that sum no.3, it was mind-busting, I left it midway, you just reassure him putting on a sad smile while inside you leap for joy.
Moreover if the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) feels that the result which has come out as per the primary evaluation of papers is a little too high, theyll legally doctor the results. Lemme just give you an example of how thats done.
Say for example the passing marks are 200, I get 210 marks, fellow MS-ian Jrangoon gets 220 and hmm......since its summer now.....magicalsummer gets 230, the Insti. as we lovingly call it will deduct 15 marks from everybodys result. So now my result is 195, Jrangoon is 205 and magicalsummer is 215. So Jrangoon passes (just barely) and magicalsummer passes. Poor ol me....even though I had passed initially, now as per their amended results......im a failure....boohoooooooo
Another thing CA does is that it drastically changes your vocabulary particularly the slangs. We have a common enough expression SEZ Who?. We CA guys never can comfortably say that, but instead more natural for us is SEZ Which. Why, you may ask. Coz SEZ here is an acronym for a Special Economic Zone, which is more closely associated to our lips. So hence it becomes SEZ Which (zone)?). I daresay, CA in todays competitve world is not enough, hence ive also enrolled for a CS course which is parallel to CA. While CA deals primararily with Taxation and Accounting, CS deals with the Companies Act 1956 (yeah, the same one which I quote so frequently in all my reviews with a view to impress all girls on MS)
The Scope for a CA and a CS is as good as a CA and MBA (Finance) from a top ten, or even better than the latter I believe. Coz while you can become an MBA from just about anywhere, you can only become a CA/CS from a one single institute in Delhi irrespective of where your location is. Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Gujarat-West Bengal, only the Delhi Insti. can pass you for CA and CS.
Or in other words, id like to think that if you are a fresh CA and a CS, youll be able to afford a Skoda Octavia Laura DSG (Duse-Pump fuel injection) in a span of just 2 years. Thats how good it gets. Commin back to where I started, some MSian who was abusing CA on the grounds of it taking 5 years to complete (in relation to number of attemps made) and not having as good a scope as MBA (Finance) is obviously mis-informed and more importantly not loyal enough to stand by the proffession he is currently pursuing. Id just like to say, that if you cant stand the pressure or dont like the 6 % and 1 % results, go home and do something else. Coz if you wanna be at the top, you gotta work till your hands rot. Anybody out there who is doing CA or wants to do CA, I can assure you, that if you work hard at it, and I mean really really hard, youll definitely succeed......youre bound to be what Neo was in the Matrix. THE ONE (%).
So trust me on this one.......undertake this and youll have ACA in no time.
Incidentally here I meant Associate of Chartered Accountants and not Anything but Complete Aaram. Although for the above statement, both hold true.