Aiims, premier teaching centre of medical sciences in india, was established by an act of parliament in 1956 , through the personal interest of late pandit jawahar lal nehru, then prime minister of india, with the untiring efforts of late rajkumari amritkaur, then health minister govt.of india.
Dr.b.b.dixit, was the first director, under whose benovolent and able leadership, strong foundation of this institution was laid. The primary object of this centre was to produce medical teachers of high ratings for growing demands of medical teachers in other medical college of addition , this centre was to provide excellent, updated medical treatment, hitherto not available to common men in the country.
To start with 50 seats for undergraduates and individual requirement wise seats for post graduation courses in all basic, clinical and paraclinical subjects were kept.Through the concerted efforts of team of selected faculty of excellent level, these goals were achieved.
Todays aiims stands synonymous with achievable excellence in medical sciences in india. The institution remained totally autonomous functionally, administratively and academically. Recent amendment in aiims act by upa india, has weakened its autonomy, and have given more powers to president of aiims body, usually a minister incharge of health govt.of india. This has created apprehension among medical educationists about the possible political interference in day to day functioning of aiims.