Disclaimer: This is not a review on AIIMS per se, but rather on some unfortunate developments taking place in that institution. I am writing this because I want this to reach down to every person on Mouthshut, and I request every person reading this article, to forward it your friends. As a citizen of India, I just cant digest what this Government is doing to undo what we have achieved over the past decade, just to satisfy their king sized egos. Let me emphatically state that I am not a supporter of any political party. I only support democracy and the right to express our views fearlessly.
On the 5th of July, 2006, India witnessed one of the darkest days in it’s history when Dr.P.Venugopal , a Padma Bhushan awardee and one of India’s most respected cardiologists, was removed unceremoniously from his post by Dr. Anbumoni Ramadoss, the Union Health Minister. And pray what was Dr.Venugopal’s fault?, as per Dr.Ramadoss, he protested against the health ministry’s interference in AIIMS, which was a totally autonomous body. This is the reason given by the Union Ministry for Dr. Venugopal’s removal.
“Dr Venugopal gathered faculty, students and outsiders in the AIIMS auditorium and spoke openly, criticising the Government for allegedly interfering in the affairs of AIIMS. It led to considerable tension in the institute. It has brought indiscipline and a bad name to the institute. In view of Dr Venugopal’s conduct, it is proposed that his continuance will vitiate the discipline in AIIMS further. It is, therefore, proposed for the institute body to consider that it would be in public interest to terminate the term of Dr Venugopal as Director of AIIMS with immediate effect and give him three month salary and allowance in lieu of the notice period as per Regulation 31.”
Excuse me as far as I know, AIIMS is an autonomous institution. And when the politicians start interfering with it’s affaris, Dr.Venugopal has every right to protest against this. I don’t understand this Govt, on the one hand, it keeps quiet when it’s Leftist buddies and their assorted trade union stooges go on strike for every decision made by the Government, and when the director of an autonomous institution resents interference he is harassed and sacked.
And look at what the Govt has done, it packed the AIIMS governing body with it’s stooges and chamchas, and of course got a majority vote to sack him. And it floated another dubious outfit called Doctors for Social Equality to spread a slander campaign against Dr.Venugopal. The KGB and Nazis would be really proud of this Govt.
And who is Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss, he is a mediocre doctor, who became the Union Health Minister, solely because his papa, Ramadoss was a member of the PMK, which belongs to the ruling coalition. And papa Ramadoss heads a party which is blatantly casteist in nature, and whose only achievement has been protecting Tamil culture from movie stars. We had a notorious dictator duo of Haiti, way back, called Papa Doc and Baby Doc. They were actually the nicknames of Dr.Duvalier and his son. And now thanks to this we would have our own desi version of Papa and Baby Doc.
But that’s the tragedy of India, where a totally mediocre politician can make it to the Union Govt, thanks to his papa, and then bully distinguished people, just to satisfy his personal whims and desires. And where the rich and powerful can twist the law to get away with it. Of course like the Nazis had Goebells and the KGB had the Pravda, we have secular, liberal magazines like Outlook and a whole host of secular, liberal intellectuals for whom this Government can do no wrong.
Never mind if Mani Shankar Aiyar can fill the Petroleum Ministry with his uneducated cronies. Never mind if Dayanidhi Maran can arm twist a respected brand like the Tata’s to fund his weird schemes. Never mind if Arjun Singh can wreck the educational system to get some votes. Never mind if the Leftists can block every reform measure and paralyze the nation with their strikes. Never mind if people can be sacked left, right and center, just because they don’t fall in line with your political ideology. Never mind if honest tax payers are harassed with forms straight out of a Kafka novel, thanks to a reformist Harvard educated Finance Minister. After all this Government is secular, liberal and must go on, so what if the country goes to dogs.
But the Govt’s decision seems to have back fired, and all doctors are already on strike. Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss, would rather spend time settling scores with eminent people or implementing quixotic laws to ban smoking on screen, than trying to overhaul an antiquated health system. These third rate politicians who cant even win a municipal ward election, are telling us that whatever they do is in people’s interests. That should be the mother of all jokes.
Friends I request you all to do at least one of those things Send this article to your friends and ask them to send it across to other peoples. Boycott magazines like Outlook which try to gloss over every mistake, just to please their masters. Throw the UPA alliance out in the next elections, by turning up in large numbers, if we don’t this bunch of jokers, will surely destroy India. Express your protest through mails, blogs, articles, any media, and let those jokers know that people of India are fed up with them.