Yes its truly awful now , bring back the good old days when we use to have yuri, roshan, manish sahi , gaurav and shamshir rai..those were the days..times fm where are you, and all india radio what have you become.I guess radio mirchi is bearable but bring on some english music, not all of us want to hear dhick chick dhick chick all day long. there were some good females on the air as well , do you remember menakshi, shabnam, fiza and a whole host of others whose names I cant remember.
once upon a time the wicked hour use to be wicked , now its just boring, I hardly ever stay up to listen to it , its just not worth staying up for.i think the daysof those good radio jockeys are truly over as every one is trying to sound the same and having people trying to be wacky all the time is quite annoying