I recently moved from Lucknow to Bombay. Having lived in the Middle East my entire life I had never seen a mosquito until I landed up in India and for the past 3 years have tried to combat them with All Out.
It worked just fine in Lucknow but not a single day has gone by in the past three month of my arrival here in Bbay that I have not been bitten by mosquitoes. On an average say 4 mosquitoes get into our bedroom daily and ‘All Out’ doesn’t seem to kill them.
Lets just side track for a moment. …Interestingly I have noticed that the mosquitoes in Bombay do not make that buzzing noise, so u can’t make out if they are near u and whack them. Is it only me or have any of you also noticed that they don’t buzz? In Lucknow they do. The Metro ones seem to be smart compared to their small town counterparts.
Since All Out doesn’t do its job I get up at about 2 am daily, pick up a duster, put on the light and start smashing them all over the wall.
All over my wall you will find little red dots. After my hubby goes to work I take a cotton bud and some soap and wash them off. Its become a daily ritual. What else can I do? I cannot help it. I cover my self right up to my mouth can’t cover my nose so they even bite my forehead and nose and eyelids. I don’t get good sleep anymore and my husband’s sleep is also disturbed because I put on the lights and start cursing as I aim for the Mosquitoes.
Last night was the final straw, I went and took the All Out from the guest room and put that also in our room for double action.
I don’t know if it worked but I do know that I killed two of them on my hand and then drifted off to sleep and don’t really know if I got bitten any more.
Right now I’m sitting and looking at the ‘ All Out’ apparatus just hoping that it will do its job tonight. :o(