I regularly watch TV and come across the ALL OUT MOSQUITO REPELLENT MACHINE AND LIQUID. In the add it is shown that machine is eating the mosquitoes and some mosquitoes are killed and lie down on the floor., what rubbish they show, I have not seen any mosquito killed and lie down on the floor, it is all bullshit, but mosquitoes run away when you put on the machine, and you have a comfortable night. Secondly they claim that the liquid will last for 45 nights or 60 nights as the case may be, this is not true, it last for hardly 30-34 nights or 50 nights in the other case., it is a false claim.
Since the machine and liquid works in repelling the mosquitoes I recommend to all those who suffer sleepless night due to mosquitoes. Equivalent brands are equally good.
This is put up for your notice and benefit.