On the day of "chhath[bihar & uttar pradesh favourite festival], I was in allahabad, triveni sangam. My experience was good. But one must not underestimate the flow of the ganga river. We travelled in boat upto sangam, but boat were very poor quality and it could be sink anytime. So, one must be careful in selecting boat. Only travel by boat which has minimum passengers. Overloade boats are very dangerous.
One must draw attention of allahabad auhtority for enhancing safety standards near triveni sangam.
Overall I enjoyed very well, but city is full of thiefs and cheaters so one must be take extra care while communicating with strangers. Dont disclose anything to strangers. Always try to take help from authenticated resoureces.
One more thing that you must reach allahabad three days before the "chhath" from delhi. Because the trains which are going on "chhath" and two days before have no reservation and with reservation they are running like mumbai locals. Due to heavy rush of people there are no mean for reservations even in ac coaches. You cant imagine the status of sleeper and general class. So, dont travel to UP & BIHAR in festivals day. Always go three days before and return after three days from the day of festival.
Happy pilgrimage to all readers of my review,
May God bless you,
With Best Regards,
Prashant Gohil
Surat, Gujarat