ALLEN at Kota. It is an Institute that is working for the students. They want that their students should get a medical admission and that too in a better college.They actually work very hard. My brother pursued coaching there, and he got admission at BJ Medical College, which is the best in Gujarat.Though he put in a good amount of effort, but after all it was ALLEN that deserves acknowledgement, for it gives thousands of scholars to the medical colleges.
The most prior incentive is their TEST Series, the way ALLEN conducts regular tests is the right way to encourage students to get active for the respective Competitive Exams.They work in pre-planned manner, which is strictly followed.The faculty at ALLEN is very well, they have detailed knowledge of their subjects, always ready and eager to solve doubts and concepts of their students.
There is some need for the student to actively participate at ALLEN. Rest is all dependent on the students as to how they cope up with the Curriculum. Though the Fees at ALLEN might not be affordable, but each one must attend ALLEN Test Series, which is actually very helpful to the students.