Allie Mcbeal...thank god they started the new series, one was feeling not quite at home watching the reruns and only hearing of new episodes in magazines...and ofcourse, thank God for the show..the show is funny, relevant and one denies that it takes on a bizarre sense of wackiness and allies too thin and the characters are queer; The point remains that theres a bit of allie in most women of today, successful women, who dont find enough time to date, think of men and friends and family very much like Allie does- the serial touches upon issues of friendship, warmth, the specialness of festivals, the camaraderie and rivalry that prevails in the office - theres something for everyone. Shes confused, shes sometimes totally out of line, we can actually see what she thinks [in action] - yeah, and we all identify with it...heres to David Kelly for bringing in the serial....Kudos!