Seen a bubble gum stretched, how it looks and feels. thats how ally mcbeal is today.
The show started nicely eons ago, when the plot was nice, and we were in love with this lonely woman, who wanted to be happy, and was desperately seeking happiness ( through work, friends, men).
The support cast was excellent, elaine with her tome peep character adding silly fun, john with his eccentricities ( u did not know whether to love him or laugh at him), richard with his different philos on everything, billy with his chocolate boy looks, georgia the barbie, rene the shoulder of a friend, etc. etc.....
where was i...ya , so ally mcbeal was looking for love and happiness, was looking for love and happiness, was looking for love and happiness, was looking for love and happiness........STILL looking for love and somehow becomes a routine, and routines are not very entertaining.
It is like watching a hard core action flick, if some one got into routine, every time a shot was fired, and we were shown the character reaching out for a mag, loading it, taking aim, and then shooting....oh no he missed, reach out for a mag, load it, take aim and then shoot...and again, and yet again. How entertaining would that be?
Yes we identified with ally mcbeal...because we are still looking for most of the things she is for, but we are not making a serial out of it....are we?
On the other hand david kelley did bring in a lot of interesting plots, like richard and whipper, then richard and lucy liu, john and nell, billy and georgia, billy and sandy , but he is always in a hurry to return back to ally to justify the serial.....
It is a nicely directed serial, with good scripts and close to real life themes, like would u fall in love with a janitor ....or would u be ok to marry a bisexual.....happens everyday!!
as I said , it was fun.......while it lasted those first few serials amongst millions produced but now, you know whats gonna will find a guy, and soon find a close to real life reason to get away from him.....predictable cos the serial has gotta go on.....
Changing the way people dress ( short v/s long dresses; straight v/s permed hair) doesnt give a serial new look now does it?
And tell me u want to know whats gonna happen in the next serial...
Ally -she will do some crazy things, a few songs will play while she is walking, she will murmur the wrong words while thinking them, she will meet a man, she will reject/get rejected ( very rare- u could place bets to make the serial entertaining) by the man.....
Richard -will walk in with a few words of fishism, in interuppted breathes,
John will wash more toilet bowls before peeing,
Nell will strut around in an awkward ostrich walk trying to convince john that she loves him for him despite his being short,
Lucy will hiss a few more times,
Renee will show a little more of ever growing cleavage,
Georgia will grow more miserable and her hair will grow shorter,
Elaine will become more nosey than ever, and interupt more
Billy will kiss another stranger or co worker, and did I mention
Ally....oh ya!! she will be looking for love and happiness.....
We could continue nodding and saying ya she/he is right isnt that true for years to come.