"In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but how many can get through to you." – M.Adler
Lots is written already about books which frequently top the bestseller charts or may be those which are the recommended ones. But here I am taking an endeavor to (may be) write something about books which are already not reviewed. (I specifically don’t mean that I will review only great books, just about those which are not already reviewed by people).
Though I do believe that each one of us comprehend and perceive the work by various authors in different ways, but going through reviews of some famous books I observed that more or less almost all points are touched upon by different individuals.
If you are looking for:
Great Literary work: No
You like/love authors (Chetan Bhagat, Karan Bajaj, etc): Yes
Time Pass: Yes (Takes very less time actually, 284 pages)
Closer insight into Single Woman’s Life: Somewhat
The story revolves around three friends: Aisha, Misha and Anushka; all in their late 20s and the former two being unmarried. The central character is Aisha Bhatia, who is Guest Relation Manager in a five star hotel @ Delhi, so yes all the possible intricacies faces by RM (in hospitality business) are written about in great detail (also she had a huge bonus in form of a boss who is good for nothing, and is also a philanderer). Plus insight into all the problems faced by a single girl who will soon cross the golden age mark of 30 (in India) and is still not married, to be specific -Single. Also, the trauma of living through all this (specifically peer pressure et al) plus at the same time how she is enjoying her life being single (no responsibilities, nobody to stop, getting drunk, cigs et al). Then, how a guy comes along and becomes a part of her daily routine – both still not getting committed though. The commotion because of all kinds of miscommunications, indecisiveness, girly stuff (her saree tears when she is about to pick up that guy’s mother from airport and gets stuck inside a merc, so all in vain), etc.
If you are not in mood to read anything heavy, that is if you are more into lighter kind of reading stuff then this one might be a rescuer. On the scale of 5, I will give it 2.75 to 3. [Note: Opinion, Rating, Review may differ from person to person].
Enjoy reading!!!
Go by your instincts :-), I have read reviews here, ppl din even like The Inscrutable Americans (which is a 4 out of 5 book for me). So relate accordingly.