I am gym freak so I need regular intake of protein and the best source is peanut butter it enhance your immune system moreover peanut butter give you good fatty acids which your body needs and its also have healthy carbs peanut butter is a proper food for bodybuilding and also for non gymers. I have been using Alpino peanut butter from last 2 years and have no complaints regarding their product quality and taste but the price is the issue of this product for me. Before using peanut butter I am using pintola peanut natural peanut butter my diet which cost me around 600 to 700 rupees per kg but now I am using Alpino in a butter which cost me 500 rupees per kg which is less from pintola. Alpino natural peanut butter contain no added sugar no preservatives made from 100% peanut . 100 grams of Alpino peanut butter contain 29gm protein and 57 gm of carbs I found is it comes in more than 2 flavours my favourite chocolate. I take this peanut butter with two or more slices of bread at tea time in the evening. Sometime in morning also because I love you it taste.
If you want to use peanut butter regularly in your diet please go for Alpino peanut butter because it contains 100% peanut only no preservative is added more sugar is added so my choice is Alpino. Moreover its packaging is good it comes in plastic air tight container so you no need to worry about its packaging