There was a beautifull event in alvas collage which is located in vidyagiri 2 km away from moodbidri city. The campus of this collage is extended to around 60 acers where more than 18000 studes gets education every day this is one of the top collages in karnataka and it is the No 1 collage under mangalore university.
In this collage for more than 3000 students magement decided to give free education to those students who are good in sports, cultural event, and even to merit students studentz from this collage earned prizes and fame in national and internal national level students from this collage also participated in olympics for eg Aswini. Students from this collage did not only earn fame in sports it also earned fame in fassion world.
I attended a event organised from alvas it was like a festivel. Whole campus was decroed with lights. The stage of the event was very big. And the programs Was very good they have invied team from all around the world. There was more than 60, 000 audions to watch the program this event used to run for 3 days but from this year they extended it to 4 days. All 60000 peoples were given best services from the college thy were given rooms and food. In Food menu there was local food items and also food items from all over karnataka there was more than 25 items for food. All over it was a great programe in great campus : * : )