Another Mishap on Amazon
My husband ordered this gift card for Rs.2000 which was supposed to be delivered before Sep 8th he paid Rs, 2000 for the gift coupon for VLCC and Rs100 extra for faster delivery
The gift card reached on Sep 10th and Amazon says we will refund your Rs.100 but send a gift voucher for Rs.100 which can be used for our next purchase(HOW CLEVER!)
Now comes the clincher. the person who received the gift goes to VLCC to use the gift coupon only to be told that there is no money on the card and the card is empty! imagine the embarrassment of the person and also my Husband!
Now he calls Amazon to report the problem.guess what they ask us to go back to VLCC and get a letter from them saying that the gift card is empty!
Janata beware do not buy anything on Amazon unless you want to donate money to their employees and management!
we argued with them for 1 hour but I do not see any any sign of our money being returned
feeling helpless in Chennai!