Hi Amazon is famous world biggest online shopping mall, it occupied 1st place in E commerce Business, Amazon is fighting it self to become to 1 place in online budiness, we can get every thing in this e-commerce, I will book every item in the amazon, amazon prices are reasonable and good quality and fasr delievery, recently I bought Samsung bluetooth head set for my phone,
It is easy to book our orders in amazon, any item amazon will deliver with in 7 days, if you dont like that item they will take back without any charges, we have to pay money for booking items by net bank, or credit card, or cash on delievery, and we have to pay delievery charges also, it is very low if we compare with others, we may book any time any where
Now a people have no time and no patience, they are interesting for home deliver, amazon is best platform for good service, ok, thank you