I bought sun glasses from Amazon with COD(cash on delivery) they were exactly the same as shown at the Amazon shopping site, which was a delight as most other online shopping sites do not send the specific item where the colour or size are not what we want to buy.
after I wore the sun glasses I realized that it was not a perfect fit for my face size. I panicked, then I went to the Amazon customer care centre and explained my predicament the person at customer care(a very polite and understanding person) assured me that the sun glasses would be collected by their courier the next day and the money would be refunded by cheque.
the most surprising thing about this experience was that Amazon did exactly what they told me.
their courier came to take back the sun glasses and handed over a cheque for the amount of the purchase.
unbelievable amazing Amazon!
three things about Amazon that are exceptional are 1. delivery on time. 2.genuine product.3.prompt solutions for problems that the buyer faces.
I wish other online shopping sites would follow suit.