Guys before I say anything, let me assure you that I consider my self an intelligent buyer and do my research for each product before I buy anything especially on net. But this time I got fooled by the brand name and the technical specifications of the phone not to mention the attractive price being offered by Amazon. I purchased a Panasonic P81 mobile from Amazon in October 2014.
Well I bought it as a gift for my daughter who was studying away and for the first couple of months the unit worked though the camera wasnt really so good as claimed in the specifications. Then within 4 months of purchase the phone just died. I assumed it was a simple battery issue and called up the customer care and they gave me their authorized service center address and asked me to take the unit there.
Horrible Service Experience! To cut a long story short it took me more than 3 months after involving the South head of Panasonic several times and umpteen visits to service center to get my phone back but even then it wasnt repaired. Panasonic finally agreed to give me a DOA which which qualifies me to get the free replacement from the seller along with return of old handset which the service station will seal.
Best Part - I was so frustrated with this whole gamut that I swore not to buy anything on net as sending the phone again to Amamzon and wait for the replacement would again have taken time and things would be simple if I could just go to the shop I purchased the phone from and return to him over the counter. However when I informed Amazon, I was surprised to receive a reply within 15 minutes of sending my mail, regretting the incident and assured that they will refund the full money back to me instead of replacing the phone.
They assured for the pick up of the mobile which was done the very next day(a Sunday) and within 2 hours of the same I got the confirmation that the amount has been arranged to be credited in my account and true to their word it got credited very next day. I was delighted by the customer service of Amazon and have no hesitation in recommending them to any buyer.I am one happy customer all because of their terrific service response and caring for the client.