One of the leading online marketing company in the world amazon, had a wide range of products that too at an affordable price much less than that of market price.Amazon also provides a new service named AMAZON PRIME which ensures 6 quality checked products along with free delivery and much more.
Well talking about the customer service it has got average one as I felt till now.One if wishes can contact in many language with representative and they deal with cancellation, tracking, refund and replacement pf orders and can assist with any problem that a customer is facing.They verify ones account very precisely and do the work with ease .
Quality of product varies at it comprises sellers from various parts of the country.Particularly electronics department and its quality is awesome here.Though there are lacking in the garment section.They also gives offer on some products such as DEAL OF THE DAY and some seasonal offers such as Festival sale and others but the products mantains quality.
Delivery of products is done here with special care and with a good packaging system such that nothing can harm the product and delivery depends upon the product, courier service and the area.Despite of some bad courier services the delivery of products of amazon are quite fast and reliable.
App and websites are really good and made up in such a way that one doesnt face problem regarding anything and products are arranged under different categories which makes it wonderful to see and also easy to explore and at the last this online marketing is surely a reliable one.