Let me start by saying that I am purchasing products online since a long time and also have tried many different web sites and found many of them were good but amazon was the best in all because of its no question return policy, this policy is applicable in all the products including mobile phones, but I feel bad when people takes advantage of this facility in wrong manner.
How ever let me tell you that I have purchased many many products from amazon and also I am satisfied with the quality of the products . some times I faced problems regarding the quality but amazon replaces it within no time, even I should say that the money was transferred in less days than expected which was a very good sign and all you know about the fast delivery process of the amazon, how quick and snappy they are.
All in all I have purchased 6 cellphones, bagpack, books, pen drive, trimmer and I was satisfied all the times how ever I tried the clothes I faced some fitting and colour issue but amazon refunded the money and I placed new order of different size.
I will definitely recommend you to try this online shopping app. Believe me it is fabulous.