Amazon is a big marketplace but I am not happy for it.
I have been using Amazon from past 1 years and above twice I ordered honey in the jar was totally broken all the products with that. So I am not happy with that otherwise the packaging of Amazon is 2 worst like the giver box for small things sometimes but sometimes they give us who was packaging for something important that call of Amazon.
One of the great thing of Amazon is that it provides offer at some certain occasions such as closing year or at the time of festivals etc. The discount given is very big some times 60% on some specified products. People often think that the products provided are second hand and duplicate. I want to clear the misconception the logic behind selling products at less rate from market is that, in marketing there are many persons engaged in the selling activity such as wholesalers, middleman, retailers etc. all these add to cost of products. In the case of online shopping these persons are not included and then is direct selling that is why they provide discount on products and sell products at low prices. I always prefer Amazon for shopping. Because of there high guality system of online. products are delivered at time as they have prescribed. There is no duplicay in the terms and products. Thanks for reading this be happy.