Amazon Fails
I had 14 orders from 30th December to 9th January in Amazon worth 40, 176 INR. None of the orders were delivered to me. The courier partner returned the items saying my address is not under their serviceable area. They did not even call me asking if I could come and collect. Ridicules, they had earlier delivered 2 items at my address. Amazon should think whether they should keep such courier partner with them. For the 14 orders, what could be their loss?
The order details are:
ORDER # 408-1720128-2332316 30-Dec-18 638
ORDER # 408-9838850-1595513 30-Dec-18 599
ORDER # 408-1989858-3949143 30-Dec-18 275
ORDER # 403-4266397-6149104 06-Jan-19 199
ORDER # 403-9437964-5314704 06-Jan-19 18134 (6 items)
ORDER # 403-9664462-9139526 06-Jan-19 2100
ORDER # 408-4042143-6870743 08-Jan-19 605
ORDER # 408-3405161-5590746 08-Jan-19 1768
ORDER # 408-4534341-8255524 08-Jan-19 2699
ORDER # 408-2875026-2883526 08-Jan-19 289
ORDER # 408-6047047-5062718 09-Jan-19 2899
ORDER # 408-1734342-6043543 09-Jan-19 6774
ORDER # 408-2530736-2261908 09-Jan-19 1698
ORDER # 408-5918448-3543560 09-Jan-19 1499 40176
I do not really understand what Amazon’s strategy is. They could easily use technology and mention the serviceable area in a map, because certain areas of a particular PIN code may not be within their serviceable area. Or they could easily tie-up with IndiaPost since they deliver to remotest locations. They could even ask the customer to prefer a courier and location. They can give the nearest courier partner whenever a customer add address or PIN code. Customer knows which is nearest and who deliver to their address.
Now, I understand it is wastage of time. Since I opted COD, I have no loss otherwise for some days, my money is dead.
So, Amazon should select reliable people to deliver items.
#AmazonFails #AmazonIndiaFails #AmazonIndia #AmitAgarwal #AmazonCEO #JeffBezos #amazon #amazonIn #iyoubd #pattystonesifer #jseelybrown
@JeffBezos @amazon @amazonIn @iyoubd @pattystonesifer @jseelybrown