One of the best online shopping market you can find over 1 crore of products whatever you want it provides you to the best price in the product you want .
Customer service: -
It has 24×7 customer care service. If you buy a product from Amazon and it didnt delivers you, not to be afraid it cash backs your money.
Product Quality: -
All the products which are available in amazon all all certified by the company and all the products are genuine product. You can also select the product by seeing reviews of the products.
Delivery Time: -
It generally takes 5-6 days to delivery . but if you are living in major cities like delhi , mumbai, kolkata, chennai etc. It delivers the product to next day of the order
Apps & website: -
You can go to
Or download the app Amazon in play store & iOS store
Reliability: -
No need to worry it is very reliable it provides the doorstep delivery & also cash on delivery available .
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