Whenever we need to buy products our first and the
last choice was only and only amazon just because that we had a belief that at Amazon we get the best product and best price but recently faced very bad experience - the
experience which I will soon share in video and text format on social networking sites. I got an ankle surgery and bought few things from Amazon India and US and DJI Osmo was one of them with the price tag of Rs. 54000. Keeping a belief in Amazon about the price check I ordered the same.
When the product came at my home as usual a buyer will open it and on the handle there is a mobile stick which had a scratch - seemed that might someone else has used it before. Anyways
Primary issue is when I went next day to buy sound mic of the same the Dealer of Chandigarh told me that the selling price he is offering for DJI OSMO is Rs. 41000. With that he will also add Mic free of cost. It was a shock and a big shock that how come amazon has not done price check of the product before listing on the website. If it would have been 3k to 4k would have accepted but its Rs. 13000 - huge
difference. Anyways
Yes I have opened the pack and its every customer duty. How justifiable is it to get a brand new osmo with scratch on it? I have read your selling policy why Cameras are not included in the same. Did I make mistake to buy product from amazon and did I make mistake not to go to the market and cross check. Anyways can amazon do anything for me in this case? Why amazon has written 100% purchase return?
Please resolve this issue asap. Otherwise I have every right to write and record reviews on social networking and go to the court of law. This matter will be resolved easily. I am ready to give to the Chandigarh retailer Address and anyone can go there and ask for DJI OSMO and you can cross check the price. Either ask seller to take back the osmo or ask them to pay me Rs. 13k and give me a mic as well. Will wait for your reply