I like Amazon. I always research the individual sellers before I order, and I prefer to order products that are fulfilled and shipped by Amazon rather then the individual sellers. When Amazon fulfills the order, its usually very fast, and if there are any problems, they are fast to resolve it. I have become an almost daily shopper on Amazon. I do have Amazon prime, so that may be why I dont have much trouble.
The docked star is more about individual sellers then it is about Amazon as a whole. I have received SEVERAL emails from sellers requesting reviews. Its a little frustrating. Most of the time, I have already left a review. I had one company send me multiple emails asking for a review, after I told them I would leave one after I used the product a couple of times ( which fell apart on the second use) . I hate people begging for reviews. I sell on Etsy and I would never dream of emailing my customers asking for a review, I think its