Here is a list of the permissions and what your customers in general think of them.
Install packages
OK, I can see the need for this
Access coarse( e.g., Cell-ID, Wi-Fi) location
Do you REALLY need to know where I am? I dont think so.
PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming
Not really sure on this one.
Access information about Wi-Fi networks
I am pretty sure you dont need this.
Manage the list of accounts in the AccountManager
List of what accounts? My email account? Cellular billing account? The only account you need access to is the AMAZON account.
Allows an application to receive messages via Google Cloud Messaging
This sounds like a fancy way of saying blow up your phone with advertisements.
Record audio
Another black mark against you. You do not need to do this. This, at best, is invasion of privacy. At worst this spying on the public.
Change Wi-Fi connectivity state
This sounds necessary for large downloads. Will give you this one.
Open network sockets
Related to downloads( hopefully)
Install an app update
Sounds good to me.
Read the users contacts data
NO NO NO NO NO. Invasion of privacy. You dont need this. On the off chance this is used to push advertisements to people in my contact list it may result in me getting fired, kicked out of social groups, etc. NO NO NO and again, NO!
Access the flashlight
Access the list of accounts in the Accounts Service
See accounts comments above.
Act as an AccountAuthenticator for the AccountManager
See accounts comments above
Write to external storage
Needed for installing apks from the store. To bad current versions of android lock this permission out.
Access fine( e.g., GPS) location
Again with the where am I? You dont need this information. It is invasion of privacy and/or spying
Allows an application to uninstall home screen shortcuts
As part of the uninstall process. OK
Access information about networks
What networks? Sounds related to both the location permissions above and the network info permission above.
Delete packages
Nice, if the app actually did this. It doesnt, and clean master picks up on it instead on my phone
Allows installation of home screen shortcuts
OK, if the app actually did this.
Monitor incoming SMS messages, to record or perform processing on them
NO NO NO NO NO. You dont need this, invasion of privacy/spying. Record my incoming messages? and do what with them? Process my incoming messages? For what?
Send SMS messages
If amazon needs to send sms messages, maybe amazon should acquire their own phone and pay their own bill.
Allows an application to read device settings
OK I can see the need for this.
Access the vibration feature
Request authtokens from the AccountManager
You just dont get it. The only account you have any right to access it the amazon account. no others.
Required to be able to access the camera device
Now you want to add pictures to the audio you record on the sly. Invasion of privacy/spying
Read from external storage
OK, legitimate need.
Read only access to device state
OK, legit.
In short, you need to remove the NSA/CIA/FBI inspired permissions. You dont need access to them.