First of all I have worked in amazon in customer support. My personal experience of shopping with Amazon has been good till now. Products which are amazon fulfilled are genuine and can be bought without thinking much. They also have good return policies.
However if you purchase any seller product there are more chances that you will not like the product because most of the times its not as it is shown on the website or it is defective. So due to some sellers, Amazons reputation is damaged in market.
My personal suggesstion to amazon is that they should improve their courier service first because the delivery agents do a lot of mistakes. They should also fasten the delivery service. Amazon claims that it is best customer oriented. It is no doubt. But their focus should be more on service oriented. If they do it they will have to focus less on customer support.
Few points to consider to Amazon-
Remove sellers right away after repeated complaints.
Dont ever miss delivery on guaranted delivery dates.
For that Improve courier service.
Improve app user interface.