A lot of users Ive talked to, and even me in most cases, prefer to avoid products from third-party sellers and place trust in Amazon and Flipkart to undertake the order. The assumption here, based on the trust in the brand, is fair pricing, better delivery, and quick resolution in case of an issue.
At Flipkart, all products sold by the seller - WS Retail - are the ones that are fulfilled by Flipkart, WSRetail being the companys subsidiary. At Amazon, aFulfilled by Amazon label assures you of the same.
A nifty feature at Amazon though is pretty handy. While browsing through products, one of the filters isFulfilled by Amazon. Once selected, only Amazon-shipped products will be listed. Unfortunately, on Flipkart, theres no way to set a filter like that, and youll have to go to individual product listing to check the seller, and make your decision.