I bought an Amazon Kindle from Amazon.co.in.
Unfortunately it was stolen the same day. I was very disturbed and sent a mail to Amazon, for help. But they multiplied my loss many times by their third-class response and attitude. Here is how it went.
I requested them to help me in tracing the device. They replied we will not help you, but if you file a police complaint and legal authorities contact us, we will help them. I was okay with that. So I took the trouble of going to the police station, filing a complaint, and sending a copy to them.
They did not respond. I sent reminders and then they tell me that ask them to contact us. Police guys asked give us an address or telephone number, where we can contact. Amazon said, we dont have an address or telephone where Police can get info. They will have to send an email only to Amazons legal cell. And when Police were not very keen on email correspondence, I shot a mail to that email id. And lo, after few days and reminders, they responded to me that device was not traceable.
So, basically Amazon.in harassed me by taking many days in responding, forcing me to file a police complaint, not giving a proper address for police to contact them and then replying to my mail itself. If they could reply to my mail, then why did they ask me to file police complaint in the first place.
This is not all. In my first mail to them, while seeking help in tracing the device, I had also requested them to block it. They agreed to block the device if I send them invoice etc. I did and they blocked. Later on when they could not trace it, I realized that maybe blocking the device made it untraceable. Ideally, Amazon guys should have warned me that if I block the device it may become untraceable but they never did.
Lastly, I requested them that since my device had been stolen the very first day, I shall be grateful if they can offer a discounted price for a new device, as I wanted to gift it in family. They bluntly refused. **Amazon can offer discounts on its own on sale-days, it can tie up with credit card companies for cash-back offers, but when a genuine customer expects considerate treatment, amazon becomes deaf and profit-oriented.
Had they offered even 20-30% discount they would have won a fan for life. But maybe customer is never a priority for them.*