Amazon is I think one of the best and the largest online shoping portal present in the world. How coupd we forget that this was the first campany who sold the items online which was a great initiative and at present it has almost changed the world.
Comming to the experience of shopping which I had from this website is tremendously great experience.
Although I also use other shopping portals like flipkart and snapdeal but yet they cannot compete with this online shopping gaint, we cant even know how big this company is and how wide their operations are.
This I felt when I have to assemble my pc and techy friend if mne gives me the highly thecnical specifications which I cannot find in the market? Bit they I went to online and after searching those indians onlinr shopping websites like flipkartand snapdeal I got frausted. Then when I search those items in amazon? Shockingly I got all the products which I was seaching from so many days, then I was able to sassemble my pc. With that great specifications.
Thanks to amazon.