I Faced A Lot In Getting money From This online store, Actually I have orderd a Leather jacket From Amazon But when I Got the Product I Have seen That The product is Not Like that which I Have orderder and quality Is also Not Good, then I Requested a Complaint for Returning the product then they accepted the request after 4 days They Came To Pickup the Product I have given The Product To Boy Who Came to Take it, but they totld they will send me a Cheque on My address in 7 working Days, I Wated for 7 day, after 7days I have not got any Check I Have called The amazon For 20, -25 times They Tell me Not To Worry You will Get Your Money in another 3 days But after 3 days also I have not Ggot The cheque , they have Given me The money after 25 days they send ne a cheque of Canara bank then I Got My Money back , worst experience from amazon I Faced a lot For 5k Ruppes because I am a Student amazon please dont do that ask your Sellers to Return the Money asp as Flikart Do I Reccomed not to Go With amzon