Yeah its true guys.i have 2 example of two generation one is my cousin brother and another is my grandfather they have own small smartphone and order it what they want just simple cash on delivery.
Amazon is like multiple different type of bulk of stuff what you they are provided small to big ratio of stuff all kind of variety u want easily .So we talking about their best aspects like1) they have deliver their shipment very quickly.
2) the amazon start revolution of 24 hrs delivery but this kind services is only big city I saw generally their services is good u r in any place they maximum 1 week they provide your product.3)Amazon is build trust in people because of their verified amazon stamp on the product really they provide us good quality of wrapping and very safely give us .hands off
Experience is good to use but more than half hrs I searching product then I feel problem is start like hang the searching process, some time automatically close app .i think because of heavy application like millions of stuff and the user also millions in use this app .other wise in service is best of best online shopping I ever seen.