Hey guyz
heres a review on amazon shopping website
any one knows logo of amazon smiles with arrow and what does it represent ?
smile starts from A to Z
that means amazon got all the product listed from A to Z
amazon is name of largest river of world so on it is given to largest shopping online market
lets talk about website
as the largest shopping market
hiring largest jobs and customer service is main moto
which absolutely done by amazon
till the date there no complaint left unsolve
amazon is the only shopping websites which has domain for every country with special needs
it has vast product listed making easy business for a person with physical shop as he can easily sell his product online
amazon has 2-3 delivery option
regular one and another is Prime
Prime you wont even imagine the product is delivered to you next day !
fast delivery option
well something I personally feel lack in user interface of its App and websites
its too complicated compared to other rivals of amazon
you have struggle a bit
but as you get good quality product
which is verified by amazon staff itself so you can give up on that
easy return policy
yeah every thing is not perfect
sometimes it may happen you can recieve a product which is broken or not working
it may happen
then still you dont need to panic
there limit of time in amazon
in that time you can easily return the product
you just need to add the complaint
its too easy not too comlicated just few click you are done
next day there person comes to your place takes the product
and within 24hours you are refunded in bank or gift card its optional
I trust amazon more then any other websites
thank you guyz
do share your views