What makes a great film so good
The raging talk of the neighborhood..
Is it the story, the cast, the fashion
Or the talented directors vision ?
Lets take a look at a wonderful dream
A story thats based on a simplistic theme.
Of life and choices and matters that hound us
Of the beauty within and without that surrounds us.
Its a story of a family, (who are)unusual you may say
Yet we can relate to them in several way(s).
A middle-aged man who is trapped in a life
With no future in his job and an unforgiving wife.
And a daughter who resents his every single action
Oh boy, this family is so full of friction.
To make this story a bit less common
Enter the neighbours - weird parents, weirder son.
The family starts struggling and breaking within
And their efforts to find love outside begin.
The daughter hooks up with the neighbours son
Whose father is too strict and possesses several guns.
His mother moves unloved through her life, so silent
And her husband, when angered, becomes way too violent.
The quest for love does not end there
And another twist ensues in the life of the narrator.
He finds himself hopelessly attracted to a girl
Who is his daughters best friend in school.
His wife is too awed by her charismatic competitor
Who charms and inspires her, and goes to bed with her.
The stage is set for an enthralling story
Of assertion and frustration and of course amazing beauty.
The beauty of life, of ordinary events - not too great
The beauty of dreams and the beauty of death.
But is that all what makes the story so special ??
Maybe its the amazing debut - directoral.
Or the screenplay, so seamless and effortless in style
To portray the love, the passion, the rile.
And how can one forget the refreshing cinematography
The angles, the lights, the views make you happy.
The actors are mature and superb at times
The looks on their faces are often worth thousand lines.
And like most great movies, in addition to these four
The audience is treated to a haunting score.
So if youve not guessed it, heres what I recommend
Do see this movie, it will grab you till the end.
But before you do that, please do me a favour
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