I have comments on the visa facilitation service (application center) in Mumbai. It sucks.
These guys, who are a private firm, by some hook or crook have managed to get the exclusive rights to fleece hapless visa applicants. In Mumbai at least, you have to apply to them (cant go directly to the consulate). In theory this is a fine concept since it reduces the work load on the consulate proper and streamlines the procedure. But in reality these people just milk the applicants.
For example, when naive applicants from all parts of western India go in, they sell you a stupid 100Rs coupon for their horrible waiting lounge. If you are called for an interview (that is drop box ineligible), this is the place where you are supposed to wait and then are taken to the consulate by a bus for your interview. This lounge is a shithole. Just a bunch a plastic chairs, where everybody sits and waits with tense faces. There are some lockers for those from outside Mumbai to keep luggage in (since you cant take it with you inside the consulate) (If you ignore this review and pay 100Rs dont forget to visit their stinking lavatories, PAISA VASOOL!!). This bus takes you to the consulate alright but on the way back you are on your own, unless you are lucky and come out at the right time when the bus is passing in front of the embassy. It apparently cant be parked right in front due to security reasons.
They give you refreshments (?) when you are waiting. It is a gutter made sandwich, (which I could not swallow) and watered down coffee. (remember you paid 100Rs and drink it).
Now two things, first of all, why does one have to get to this place on the date of interview instead of directly going to the consulate by themselves. This doesnt make sense especially for those who are from Mumbai. By the way the consulate is just a 15 minutes walk on the same street. Secondly, when they sell you the lounge coupon they make it sound as if it is a requirement for getting your visa. They are just fooling people. The most irksome thing is that, if you knew of this scam and denied using their lounge and directly came to the consulate for your interview what will happen is this-lets say your appointment for interview is for 10AM and you reach the consulate at 9.50AM. The security guards wont let you in untill the stupid crowd from the application center arrives in the bus and is ushered in. I bet these theives have bribed the guards on duty to let the applicants from their bus enter first. This matters because if you enter last in the 10AM crowd, you will have to wait that much longer. But there is a way to do one up on these monkeys, read on...
MY TIP-- Dont buy the lounge coupon. If your interview appointment is for 10AM, be at the consulate at 9.45AM. Wait for the bus carrying the paid applicants to arrive. As soon as people start to alight from the bus and walk towards the consulate, mingle in that crowd as if you came with them on the bus. (make sure that you are somewhere in the front of the crowd). Neither the guards nor the old fool who accompanies the bus will know the difference and you will have got in first without paying those 100Rs.
Now I know 100Rs is not much especially when you are paying tons more for your visa, but it is a matter of principle boys!! Dont give in to their theiving ways! Also dont forget that a part of your application fee will be going to these guys anyway.
Another short one they pull on you is about the photographs. I know many people whose photos were just fine, but were made to get new ones clicked. Lo and behold... they have a 1-minute photo magician right inside the application center!!! How nice, right? Wrong! The idea is to just reject your photo on some flimsy basis and make you pay though your nose for new ones clicked at exhorbitant prices.
Not the end yet, just check out their price tags to get your documents photocopied right inside the center. I guess they use rocket fuel to run those machines ; )
If anybody from the US consulate is reading this, please put some checks on these people so that visa application is a smoother and pleasant process.
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