This has got to be the best film I have seen this year.
It is in fact one of the best films I have ever seen.
It shows how neo-nazism is alive and well in the world and the shocking tactics and methods these mindless fools are willing to go to in slaughtering innocent people just because they are a different colour to themselves.
The film follows the life of one of these neo nazis and the impact it has on his impressionable brother and his family.
It stars Edward Norton, star of Fight Club, as the eldest sibling of a fireman who is killed in the line of duty.
Norton blames the ethnic minorities on television for the death of his father and denounces all other races.
He is then led into a like of nazism, becoming the leader of one of the local gangs.
He turns on his family in his rage against the minorities and this leads to an uncontrolable attack on 3 Black youths who attack his home. He murders 2 of them in cold blood before being arrested.
He shows no remorse for what he has done during his arrest which for me is one of the coldest acts of the film. His face of pleasure for what he has done is sickening and totally unreal. It is how you imagine these type of people to be. Totally crazy.
The remainder of the film follows his life in prison and the bad things that happen to him in there. His life takes on a whole new meaning after certain events in prison that I will not ruin for you.
On his release, his main goal is to get his life back in order and rebuild the life he once had with his family and to steer his younger brother away from the terrors he had experienced.
The film has a tragic and unpredictable ending and took me by suprise.
I will not ruin it for you but honestly, you must watch it.
I rank this up there with groundbreaking Classics such as Shawshank Redemption, sixth sense, Star Wars and Jaws.