I am not sure what to make of this movie. It is obviously not good to be called a must see and is certainly not bad either. Unusual experience this one is. The corny sense of humor and more subtle humor blend nicely around what essentially is a simple sweet love story of two teenagers who discover pretty late their affections for each other and surprisingly without any blessings or intervention of almighty inspired dogs, pigeons etc. It is this sweet story that provides the film the backbone for well placed attacks on topics like sex, dildos, lesbians, gays, masturbation and adoloscent problems. Almost everyone like in the first part has a problem and almost in all cases it relates to sex.
There are some absolute shockers like the lesbian-gay scene (yes you read it right, lesbian-gay scene). If watching two girls kissing was not bad enough, you can have the macabre sight of two guys kissing and touching asses as well. Then there is the raunchy toilet (literal) humor, then there is a scene where girl helps her friend know how to kiss and do .... and then there is a stuck with guess what scene as well. In between there are the usual father-son scene, the intellectual blabber and the nerdish thoughts.
Among the subtle moments is the face Kutcher makes on seeing the blabber of Mr. Tantrik (yeah Tantrik like in Hindi horror movies, only this time even he gets married to sexual thoughts), the genuinely heart warming musical notes between the main leads, the dignified although stony chase between Vicki and Kevin and ofcourse the unsuccessful attempts at phone sex between Heather and Oz. There is dissappointment since the movie does not offer much of a skin show like its original did not.
The entire cast comes back with some additions and theyve still got heart, exploding hormones, and a habit of getting themselves into totally gross, embarrassing situations. . So whats new? Humn let me see. The main love story never mind if they get only 5 scenes together. This time around a year has passed since the friends went to campus and they are taking a break in the beach now. So what they do during the summer is what this movie is all about.
What works for the movie is a fluid screenplay with a smooth editing which gives the movie a relaxed attitude. That gels with the vacation season perfectly. What also works is that this time around, the characters are with each other most of the time and are not chasing individual girls (well they are but they are together, heck! what?). Some of the music is decent and the camera work well decent as well. The director know what he has got to do, repeat the formula one more time and provide it a bit more soul (they matured guys). He also told the script writer about it and he comes up with perfectly placed plot one which could rival K3G for the manner in which screen time is divided and developed on screen. The acting, well I could not hold them wrong for not being oscar performers but they do what is expected of them and that is really saying a lot in a teen movie.
All in all a good way to spend your evening by catching up with this movie. I think one likes the movie better if one has seen the original as watching the sequel was like catching up with old acquaintances. Now for the answer to the question in title, if you have not guessed it already it is S$X despite lots of S$X.