American tourister is the most trusted brand for the products like travel bags, trolly bags, college bags and other bags.This is most trusted because of its quality bags which are made of first class material which will last for longer periods.
It is good compared to other company products for many aspects like stylish look, excellent design, quality material and good variants in wide range of price ranges.
The warrante provided by the company is good the service is also good if you got any problem.The stichings and the zip quality is marvellous they will give the feeling of buying a rich product and smooth use of zips.The leather is of fine quality.
According to the requirement of the customers there are wide range of products which will suitable for all types of uses.The colour of the material is long lasting and wont fade.There are several colours for the selection and sizes are also available in various grades which completely fit for the type of user.
The edges and overall material is very rough and tough which makes the bag lasts longer.
The prices may seems bit high when see the quality and durability you it deserves the price.
product is available in almost all the bag shops and online sites if you buy through you can get it cheaper.