I am a student at the Amity School of Engineering and scored 91% in my cbse boards. AMITY has an amazing fast track scholars admissions process where those with above 90% do not have to appear for the entrance test and interview. I filled in the AMITY application form (14 pages!!). I found the reference forms to be filled in by my teachers a bit cumbersome but it was just like American universities. My friend who got a scholarship to Harvard had to do the same thing.
The best thing is that I automatically got a 100% scholarship. Am not paying a single rupee in 4 years except the security deposit of 15, 000 which will be refunded at the end. Achieved what I had promised my parents!
There are over 100 scholarship holders in our batch. All are brilliant and it is really fun to be in class.
Our AMITY school of engineering was ranked number 1 in the country for placements by Dataquest magazine! I still have a few years to go but am hoping the trend continues.
I would recommend AMITY to anyone anytime.