amity business school has no approval...this is what all the lunatics are thinking right at this moment...but if a vigilant person goes through the news paper properly, it is clearly stated that the AMITY UNIVERSITY is defined under the state legislature of the uttar pradesh govenment and thus it is a bonafied university, having full right to carry on courses in various fields. To further enhance your knowledge I would love to tell you that according to section 2f of the ugc act, if a university is defined under the state law , there is no need for an aicte approval. thus you can now wonder why there are around 15, 000 stundents studying in the engeering department of amity at the sector-125 campus in noida...which has no approval from aicte. and frankly speaking who cares for the aicte, if you travel to different engineering colleges in uttar pradesh I am sure most of you would be shocked to see those dirty instituions where there is nothing in the name of proper infrastructure...the teachers just come to pass there time and the students too have barely passing marks. And this condition is nowhere else but in the so called "approved" colleges of uptech. thus aicte is blind and creates problem only for those instituions which have the power and capabilities to rise among the best institutions of this country. finally a message to all the anti-amity people, just come and visit the amity campuses in noida, meet the students and you will yourself know the defination of a world class institution.