I am a student of amity business school 2008 batch.i would like to bring to the kind attention of all the students who are wondering to join the great amity business school. Only those student who have deep pockets and wanted to do MBA just for the sake of degree should go for amity.
Amity does not provide any 100% placements.the faculty is not at all coorperative...they simpally dig and find out reasons to debarred there students from placements..the fees is too high...and if u are ready to sell credit cards, insurance and underwears by doorstep selling after doing mba and spending lakhs of rupees go for it...
The placement cell of amity is full of basards always wanted to debaar u from placements..the faculty is toooooo bad does"nt know anything.....there is a lot of politics between the teachers the programee leader are assoles.PLEASE PLEASE I REQUEST ALL THE MBA ASPIRANTS TO NOT JOIN AMITY