Amity one of the among highest rated universities among famous universities although with quiet high fees as it is known to be with its name and being a private institution but still they try to make their education feasible they had announced scholarships for students who scores 95 per or above have 100 per scholarship and for students above 90 per scholarship is given of 50 per but one had to maintain the standards of their studying and should fulfill the furthur criterias of the unversities to remain in the scholar lists now coming to faculty and attendance faculty is always ready to help.and to teach have a friendly nature and always understamd your issues althougj a little strictness is their but its just to maintain dignity and your personality for your future preservance in your fields attendance required is 75 per minimum after that you will be considered debarred now coming to infrastructure thats the best in this university I dont feel so that anyother university will be havung this kind of infrastructure or even comaparable to that campus itself contains subway ccd dominos cafeterais in each block an arcadia swimming pool etc you can easily understand what I mean that it has all the luxuries one desires if you are find of reading books its cebtral library is the best ever plce for you more over its an anti raggung campus and believe me there is no sign of ragging in the campus secondly the university has spread over such a long area that one didnt need to go for a walk who enters the university via feet university provides you placement support they support you in you in which ever field you are strong moreover the university is a celebrity hub every now amd then you will find celebroties arriving to the university college fest is one of the most wonderful evemts you will ever attend and ofcourse full of fun moreover amity os a complete package of school and college life one cam easily study and enjoy the college life fun at amity the all stuff is my own experience at amity loved amity a lot a lerfect mixture of college and school life amity rocks