Guys! listen me here, before u step into amity.I am not trying to cheat anyone, although I remain an amitian despite that it good to speak truth for than to butter up people for nothing or for just being liked .
trust me, Amity is not what you think or some body told u or may be your parents or neighbors might know it to be and hence you have decided to study over there for brand institute -right? .But believe me they are a big frauds. if u talk about placements - they are a cheater - u will not be placed, so be ready for sure .their CRC dept heads are all fraudulent ladies who will mistreat u, for their targets of no .of students placed by them and will take the credit for sure!eg -
Talking about teachings - there are no such teachers, who will teach u anything which will help u in future, they themselves do not know what they teach - they just speak what they have got as an material to teach .
I do not want to narrate all story what I faced at amity, and for doing what? but I just want to bring the truth forward nothing else! if u believe me and u really love your parents and their hard earned money I am quite sure u wont let them get disheartened - right?